To promote orderly development of both residential and commercial property, and to protect property owners, the use of property in Harbor Springs is guided and regulated through the City’s Zoning Code. Each Zoning District has specific options and limitations to encourage the logical and orderly use of land for similar and compatible buildings and uses.
Questions related to the City’s Zoning Code and enforcement can be addressed to the Planning & Zoning Administrator, Jeff Grimm, via e-mail at assessor@cityofharborsprings.com.
Application for Zoning Permit
Application for Commercial Zoning Approval
Application for Zoning Variance and Escrow
Application for Fence or Retaining Wall
Petition for Rezoning
Planning & Zoning Fee and Escrow Schedule
Planning Commission application packet v 8-2-2022
Property Tax
Please Note: Summer property taxes cannot be paid online after July 30th and Winter property taxes cannot be paid online after January 30th.
Tax Payment Wizard for City of Harbor Springs – BSA Online Tax Payment For City of Harbor Springs Only
Property Taxes are billed to the Residents twice a year. The property taxes billed are for all of the “Taxing Agencies” that are authorized by state law to levy a property tax, such as the School District, Intermediate School District, Community College, Emmet County, Lakeview Cemetery and the City of Harbor Springs. Some of the “Taxing Agencies” levy their taxes in the summer, some in the winter, and some in both. Questions about your tax bill may be directed to the City Treasurer, Nick Whitaker at (231) 526-2104 or by email cityclerk@cityofharborsprings.com.
A summer property tax bill is issued on the last business day of June and is technically due July 1st of every year. However, according to the City’s Charter, they don’t have to be paid until August 10th of each year. If the summer tax bill is not paid timely, a penalty of 3% is assessed and an additional interest amount of 0.5% per month is assessed.
A winter property tax bill is issued on the last business day of November of each year. The winter property tax bill is due the following February 14th. If the property taxes levied are not paid by February 28th, they are returned to the Emmet County Treasurer. If the winter tax bill is paid after February 14th, but prior to March 1st, a 3% penalty is assessed. Once the delinquent property tax bill is returned to Emmet County Treasurer, the past due amount is subject to the Emmet County penalties and interest, and are payable to the Emmet County Treasurer.
Tax information is available on the Emmet County website.
Property Assessments
The assessed and taxable value of your property is determined through Michigan’s process of assessment and equalization to ensure that properties are uniformly assessed according to their value in the current real estate market.
Questions related to property assessments in the City of Harbor Springs can be addressed to the Assessor, Jeff Grimm, via e-mail at assessor@cityofharborsprings.com
Parcel records can be found on the Emmet County website or City of Harbor Springs BSA
2023 Land Value determination
Policy – personal property canvas
Policy – public records
Policy and application – property exemptions
Poverty guidelines and application