High School Student City Board Member Applications — Due September 12!

Posted on August 27th, 2024

If you are a junior or senior in high school and attend Harbor Springs High School or live within
the city limits of Harbor Springs, then you have an opportunity to serve on one of the City’s
boards or commissions as a non-voting member. This is an excellent opportunity to experience
local government and serve your community by being involved in the decision-making process.

Complete and return this application!

The City is making one position available on each of the following four boards: Downtown
Development Authority; Planning Commission; Tree Advisory Board; and Parks & Recreation
Board. You may apply for all four positions, but no student will be allowed to serve on more
than one board. Terms last from September 2024 through June 2025. Staff and board chairs
will review the applications and make a recommendation to City Council for appointment.

The Downtown Development Authority exists to promote and improve the downtown district
developed under state law. DDA Board meetings are held on the second Wednesday of the
month at 8:30 a.m. There is also a potential to participate on DDA committees. The Planning
Commission is responsible for the management of land use and regulation of building and
development in the City. Meetings are held at 5:30 pm on the third Thursday (and sometimes the
first Thursday) of each month. The Tree Advisory Board provides guidance on the selection
and planting of trees in public places throughout the community; encourages the proper
maintenance, preservation and new plantings of trees; and educates the community about the
benefits of trees. Tree Board meetings are held every third Friday of the month at 12:00 pm. The
Parks & Recreation Board was formed to help with parks and recreation planning, policy and
programming, and it meets every second Tuesday of the month at 5:30 pm.

Students selected to serve on City boards will be granted all duties and privileges that regular
members possess except for the right to vote. They will be expected to have reviewed all agenda
material prior to meetings and should be prepared to discuss the material with other board
members. Staff will meet with students to educate them about their roles and responsibilities.

Please complete the following application. High School Board Members Application 2024

If you have any questions, contact City Manager
Victor Sinadinoski at (231) 939-9995 or citymgr@cityofharborsprings.com.