Please see the link below for a formal statement.
Boardwalk Fundraiser Postponed…
Please consider completing this two-minute survey on board term limits in Harbor Springs. Your feedback is valuable to City Council!
Board Term Limits Survey
Please click the link below to read the downtown snow removal reminder and ordinance. This was emailed to local businesses and also mailed to property owners. Questions, please call City Hall at (231)526-2104.…
City Hall will be closed on Thursday, November 23 and Friday, November 24 for the Thanksgiving Holiday. Please enjoy the holiday and be safe!…
The City of Harbor Springs Electric utility, through the assistance of a contractor (Gosling-Czubak), will be conducting an aerial inspection/survey of certain electrical lines in the system on Wednesday, Nov. 1 through Tuesday, Wednesday Nov. 8. The contractor hired to do the work will be usin…
City Hall and the Harbor Master building public restrooms will be open all year round 8AM-8PM. Ford Park and Beach public restrooms are closed for the season starting Monday, October 23rd. Questions please call City Hall at 231-526-2104.…
This December, the City will have several positions opening on a variety of boards, including the Planning Commission, Harbor Commission, Zoning Board of Appeals, Board of Review, Downtown Development Authority, Parks Board, and Tree Advisory Board. If you are interested in applying to serve o…
Trick or Treating will be held Tuesday, Oct 31st 5:30-7:30PM…
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