Government>Harbor Commission

Harbor Commission

The City of Harbor Springs Harbor Commission is an advisory body to the Harbor Springs City Council.  The purpose of the Commission is to direct and oversee the waterfront district and operation of the City’s marina.  Harbor Commission meetings are typically held four times per year and are open to the public.

Members of the Harbor Commission are appointed by City Council and serve four-year terms.  Anyone interested in serving on the Commission is encouraged to contact the City Manager, a Member of City Council, or submit their interest in writing to:  City of Harbor Springs, Attention City Council, 160 Zoll Street, Harbor Springs, MI 49740.  Click here for a current listing of all appointments and term ending dates.

Harbor Commission Members

Gale Stephens (term expires Dec. 2028)

Tom Graham, Jr., Mayor

Karen Strough Donnelly (term expires Dec. 2026)

Eric Wynsma (term expires Dec. 2028)

Sharon Mihalik (term expires Dec. 2027)

Lisa Nicol (term expires Dec. 2027)

Bill McCullough, Vice Chairman (term expires Dec. 2025)

Bill Brown (term expires Dec. 2025)

Greg Fisher (term expires Dec. 2025)

John T. Baker (term expires Dec. 2025)

Harbor Commission Bylaws (Amended November 4, 2024)

Meeting agendas, packets, minutes and videos can be found here.