City Boards and Commissions
The City has several boards and commissions comprised of volunteer residents. The boards have different purposes – some established by State law and others by City government – but they all help Council and staff with planning, setting policy, and enacting relevant rules and ordinances. Learn more about each board by clicking on the following links. Meeting agendas, packets, minutes and videos for boards and commissions can be found here.
Board of Review
Downtown Development Authority
Harbor Commission
Parks and Recreation Board
Planning Commission
Tree Advisory Board
Zoning Board of Appeals
City Committees
Boards and Commissions Handbook
Citizen Participation Application
The City of Harbor Springs encourages all citizens to participate in local government. The involvement of citizens in the political process is an essential part of democracy. Citizen involvement increases government transparency, allows for additional perspectives, and addresses business owner and property owners shared/opposed view points needed for the development of sound municipal policies. The City of Harbor Springs has a Planning Commission, Zoning Board of Appeals, Harbor Commission, Downtown Development Authority, and a Tree Advisory Board. You may apply to serve on more than one board if desired by filling out the below Citizen Participation Application. Please submit your Citizen Participation Application at the City of Harbor Springs, 160 Zoll, Harbor Springs, MI 49740.
Citizen Participation Application
Citizen Participation Application Fillable Form
Boards Commissions Recruitment Process
There is one (1) vacancy on the Harbor Commission to fill a term that expires on December 31, 2025. Please apply by end of day on Tuesday, January 14.